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Let me tell you a secret: these are the tastiest vegan banana coconut flapjacks you’ve ever tried! Do you want me to tell you why?   Because they’re sugar-free.  Because, when I made them for the first time, I was by myself, and ate them all in 2 days.  Because the little hands couldn’t eat less than 2 pieces.  Because ...

You can’t imagine how aromatic and delicious your waffles maybe if you follow the recipe I’m sharing with you today. Because while there are many vegan waffles, have you ever seen blueberry and mahleb vegan waffles before? Little hands loved them, and with good reason. Additionally, they’re egg-free, dairy-free, butter-free, and nut-free, and if you want, you can make them ...

No matter what I tell you about these hazelnut cookies, it won’t be enough! They’re delicious, easy to make, require just 4 ingredients, and can be ready in less than 30 minutes. They have a praline flavour that made the little hands say, “I want us to make these cookies every day, Mum!” and I just had to share the ...

How would you like to prepare all of the week’s breakfasts in a single morning? I know that it’s very convenient, so I’ll share this simple recipe that will save your life! The easy and delicious egg muffins with spinach and Mini Babybel cheese, are perfect for baby-led weaning and for working parents. You can prepare them on a Sunday ...

This year, I have an amazing and baby-friendly version of Easter Greek sweet bread known as tsoureki that you’ll love. It makes tsoureki that stays fluffy for days, with no butter or refined sugar, with an amazing aroma and white petimezi by Cretan Nectar. After last year’s success with the mini tsoureki-donut recipe, there’s another dreamy recipe here for you ...

The title is the same in Greek, as I couldn’t find one that was suitable. However, while I couldn’t give a good Greek name to this delicious oatmeal dish, I was able to give it many good descriptions. We could say that this one-pan oatmeal is a baked oat cream perfect for all ages, as you’ll read below. The little ...

If you like family Sunday breakfasts and especially savoury breakfasts; if your little ones like surprises or simply love cheese like my own little hands; if you’re looking for fluffy and savoury pancakes; then you’re in the right place! You can try to make these stuffed pancakes with the playful cheese Mini Babybel, and I’m sure it’ll become your favourite ...

Even though it is March, spring feels way off, with the weather being cold and rainy! And what do we want on days like these? Hot meals! And if there’s something that the little hands have loved since he was 8 months old, that’s oat creams, also known as porridge. Besides the little hands, I love porridge as well, since ...

You’ve been asking me for a crepe recipe for a while, and I don’t like leaving you disappointed. But I couldn’t give you just any recipe. I had to inaugurate the “Crepes” category with the recipe! You know how much we love beetroot, so it would unavoidably find its way to this recipe, to give its incredible taste and impressive ...

When I came back from my trip, I discovered an empty fridge and some bananas that had to be used soon, and that’s how this recipe came about. I and the little hands rolled up our sleeves and started adding and mixing the few ingredients we had available. The little hands had a single demand: “Let’s make donuts!” So, today, ...