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Pumpkin broccoli soup

Prep Time15 minsCook Time30 minsTotal Time45 mins

Nutritious and sweet snack full of energy.

 1200 g pumpkin
 800 g broccoli (one medium sized)
 45 tbsp olive oil
 1 medium onion
 3 small sweet potatoes
 1 tbsp sweet paprika
 ¼ tbsp ginger powder
 ½ tbsp nutmeg
 2 cloves of garlic (optional)
 600 g water
  salt (only for children over the age of one year old)
  yogurt (plant or animal)

Warm the olive oil in a large pot with the spices, then add the vegetables after you’ve cut them in large pieces.


Sauté them lightly, then add the water, the salt, and the pepper. You don’t want to cover them with water, but you want it to reach just under halfway up.


When it has started boiling, cover with a lid and lower the heat to medium. Allow it to boil for about 20–30 minutes until the vegetables soften up and mix gently every so often.


Remove from the heat and puree the soup with an immersion blender until it reaches a velvety texture.


Serve with a little yogurt!

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